Category: Marketing Concepts
Customer service as a marketing tool: A five step plan
Are you spending money on your marketing? PPC, Facebook ads, signs, and flyers. These can all be great things, but before you spend another dime, I have a question for you … is your house in order? Are you able to use customer service as a marketing tool, or is your customer experience the ball…
Merchandising Content: If you don’t get this right, the rest doesn’t matter.
A quick analogy … If your business is surfing, then merchandising content is your surfboard. It’s what you stand on, your foundation. It supports you in rough seas and you can ride it safely to your destination. Without a surfboard, no matter how great the waves, you are just out in the ocean bobbing up…
Marketing is everything… and nothing. What is your core marketing message?
What if you built a railroad, and no one wanted to ride. You bought the land. You laid the track. You constructed the stations. And you went out and designed the very best passenger cars that money could buy. Everything was perfect, except for one thing. Nobody wanted to ride. So what went wrong? How…
What is a marketing funnel, and how do I get one?
The term marketing funnel is misleading. The word funnel conjures up the image of a simple device used to move a messy substance into a container. A marketing funnel is much more chaotic than that, it’s actually more like that picture ^up there^. People enter the Underground station and face a plethora of choices on…